Why the name - Tiny Rock Project?

The name ‘Tiny Rock Project’ was what I settled on after thinking about what I value about climbing and training. I wanted my coaching style to portray characteristics of humility and growth.

The roots of climbing are grounded in community, good humored support and determination. Climbing can be an amazing vehicle for personal growth and friendships.

At the end of the day, we are just trying to find the hardest way up a little rock that we can. Why? If we take it too seriously we may find our ego attached to a rather strange and privileged activity that has the tendency to humble us more often than not.

Due to the complexity, variety and infinite difficulty in climbing, people find unique ways of relating to the sport and deriving personal satisfaction. By putting everything in perspective it frees each individual to truly find meaning in, and motivation for, getting up some ‘tiny rocks’.

I wanted a name that removed a lot of ego from the brand, that sometimes I see a lot of in this seemingly now ‘popular’ sport. What is left when you remove a lot of unhealthy ego? The potential for a powerful singular intrinsic focus to drive you toward and appreciate your climbing goals.